Confidentiality Policy

Please note that Expérience Outaouais + is currently unable to offer a reservation service for an indefinite period. We invite you to visit to see the complete offer and book your stay directly with the businesses. If you have any questions, please contact Thank you for your understanding!

Confidentiality and privacy policy

Personal information is that which refers to and serves to identify an individual. Experience Outaouais maintains strict standards to ensure the security and protection of privacy and personal information. Rest assured that no such information will be collected without your permission.

Who operates

The Web site is operated by Outaouais Tourism, a private non-profit organization dedicated to all aspects of tourism including: regional dialogue, hospitality services, information, promotion and development.

Legal framework

The Web site is published in Quebec, Canada. A user’s personal information is protected under Quebec and Canadian laws. For information on your rights, visit the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Web sites.

Links to other sites

The Web site contains links to sites created by other businesses or organizations. These links are provided for user convenience only. Experience Outaouais in no way endorses or guarantees these sites and cannot be held accountable for their content or practices, particularly with respect to the protection of personal information and privacy.

Use of personal information

Experience Outaouais does not collect personal information on its Web site, except when a user provides such information on a voluntary basis. In some instances, for example when you register on-line to a newsletter or a promotional contest, Experience Outaouais requires that you complete a form with your name, address, e-mail and other personal information required to complete the purchase of your packages.

You are always explicitly warned in advance that this information will be subject to processing: sending of printed or electronic materials, reply to requests for information or package purchases. Occasionally, Experience Outaouais will ask you, via on-line forms, if you wish to receive information on other services, contests or news about our products and services. You will always be given the option to decline such offers or to end a subscription to a previously requested service.

Unless specified otherwise, no personal information is sold, rented, traded or disclosed to anyone without your prior consent. All personal information held or collected is protected under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

Use of cookies

The Web site uses harmless cookies in order to monitor traffic, anonymously, on its site. These cookies record statistical information, such as visitors’ IP addresses, type of operating systems, time and duration of visit, as well as Web pages viewed.

While data collected cannot personally identify you, it provides useful information to Experience Outaouais’ Marketing and Web Departments. This information is then used to improve our Web site to ensure that it offers an optimum experience for visitors.

Trademarks and copyrights

The entire content of the Web site (texts, graphics, images, logos, interfaces, code, text content and its presentation) is the property of Outaouais Tourism and/or its members and partners. It is protected by copyright and it is strictly forbidden to reproduce, publish, redistribute, transmit or use it in any other way without prior written authorization.

All trademarks, registered or not, service marks and company names are the property of Outaouais Tourism or of other owners who have granted the exclusive right and license to use them.

For information or authorization concerning copyrights, please contact

Photographs and videos

The photos and videos used in this site may not be reproduced or used for any purpose other than viewing and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without written authorization from Experience Outaouais.

Verification, comments or complaints

A user may ask to see, correct or delete personal information held on him. If you have any concerns or questions regarding respect of your privacy or protection of your personal information, please contact Outaouais Tourism.

Outaouais Tourism
103, Laurier Street, Gatineau (Qc) J8X 3V8 Canada

In using this Web site, the user acknowledges having read, understood and accepted the conditions and limitations of liabilities described above.

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